Recommendations for the presentation of research
  • The report must correspond to the scientific directions of the conference, be carried out on a relevant topic.
  • The report should be based on independent research, demonstrate the originality of the research question (hypothesis), the correctness of research methods and the evidence obtained.
  • The results presented in the report should contain scientific novelty and the necessary evidence to support the validity of the conclusions.
The duration of the report is 8-10 minutes.

When recommending an article for publication, the assessment of your speech by the section moderator is taken into account.


Only scientific articles corresponding to the specialization of the conference and possessing scientific novelty are accepted for publication.

The structure of the article should follow the I-M-R-A-D structure: Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion. Conclusion is required

Within these sections, sub-items can be highlighted and named at the discretion of the authors.

The results presented in the article should be formulated in the form of scientific provisions that clearly define the essence of the contribution to science.

Work with articles is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Registration of an article
2. Plagiarism check
3. Peer review
4. Conclusion of an agreement for fee payment
5. Confirmation of acceptance of an article for publication

Plagiarism check results in articles with similarity index of 25% or less. The reviewer evaluates the compliance of the article with the requirements for publication and the relevance of the research to the conference topics.

Articles are published in English only. The article should be written in a language understood by a specialist in the relevant field. Compliance of the English translation with the requirements is made by native speakers and professional translators.

Scientific articles (reports) should contain:
- title;
- information about the authors (surname, initials; affiliation, city, country; email address);
- abstract (100 to 150 words);
- list of references

The volume of the article: 8 full pages (font size 10 pt, single spacing, about 20000 characters including spaces).

The author cannot publish more than two articles.

The number of authors in one article cannot exceed five.

Dear colleagues, we urge you to make sure that all materials (articles) that you send to the organizing committee of the conference have not previously been published in any publications (including in Russian).

Russia, 117198, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, RUDN University, Department of Economics

+7 495 4334065
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